Monday Black Session Week 5
"Starting To See It"
WAR WorkoutA1. Back Squat 8 Reps (Choose from: Male-225, 205, 185, 155, 135. Female-135,115,95,75. Pick a weight that you can be explosive with. 3 seconds down, Xplode out of the hole) X 4 Rest 30 SecondsA2. Weighted Push Ups AMRepsAP (Male-45,35.Female-10,BW) X 4 Rest 2 MinutesB. KB Squat Clean Thrusters 6 Reps (55,35) X 5 Rest 1 minute +Rest 3 MinutesRun 5 laps (800 meters @90%) X 2 Rest 4 minutesClassroomA. Weekend Assignment Discussion. Goal of the assignment was to get you to see the importance of getting back into the healthy hobbies that you used to enjoy so much.“At first it can be a very hard thing to do, but eventually you start to remember the real reason why you used to love the activities you lost touch with, and then an amazing thing happens - you start to enjoy them again”
B. Being active in healthy activities helps us learn to appreciate the simple things in life again. Your true integrity is brought forth when you realize that even the simplest of things can be enjoyable, with a clear mind.
Journal Title: Integrity & the Role it Will Play in My Life"Integrity is the quality or condition of being whole, complete, unbroken, and undivided. Integrity means always doing what is right and good, regardless of the immediate consequences. It means being righteous from the very depth of our soul, not only in our actions but, more important, in our thoughts and in our hearts”
NOTE: Log your gym notes in your Journal, along with you Journal Topic Notes. Be extensive, the Journal is the Heart and Soul of the WAR Program