Thursday WAR Strength & Conditioning

"Finding our Way"

WAR WorkoutA. Back Squat 6 reps X 5    Rest 2 MinutesComplete 7 rounds for time of:5 shoulder press (115,95,65)7 Burpees9 CTB Pull Ups (scaled Jumping PU) 

Below is an interesting article regarding a book called SPARK.  Dr. Ratey wrote the book  SPARK: The Revolutionary New Science of Excercise and the Brain.  I've read this book and it's incredible, I highly recommend it.  Post what you think. 


Smokers keen to quit cigarettes probably won't celebrate the news that exercise could be the key to a cigarette-free life. But research by British scientists suggests that as little as five minutes of brisk walking can reduce the intensity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. In the tests, researchers asked participants to rate their need for a cigarette after various types of physical exertion. Those who had exercised reported a reduced desire to smoke. "If we found the same effects in a drug, it would immediately be sold as an aid to help people quit smoking," Adrian Taylor, the study's lead author at the University of Exeter, said last year. The principle is that exercise can stimulate production of the mood-enhancing hormone dopamine, which can, in turn, reduce smokers' dependence on nicotine. "Dopamine works by replacing or satisfying the need for nicotine," Ratey explains.Whether the findings will lead office-based smokers to dash out for a jog remains to be seen. After all, you wouldn't want to get addicted to exercise.