Saturday WAR Strength & Conditioning
"I Can See"
WAR Saturday Workout (Optional)A. Power Snatch 1 Rep X 5 (70%); 1 Rep X 5 (75%); 1 Rep X 5 (80%) Note: percentages are based on effort. Each set of 5 stick with same load. Increase load from set to set total 15 total reps using 3 different loads. Rest 1 Minute + Rest roughly 5 Minutes 3 rounds for time of:15 knees to Elbows30 Double Unders (60 singles)Run 1 lap around building (Bring your beanie & warm clothes)NOTE: Gym will be open at 9. Nice work this week everyone. Do something this weekend that will challenge you. Do something that will build your character. Help somebody; text somebody that you may have lost touch with; do some sort of service for someone - clean your moms car, help someone with their yard, etc. See you all next week. Make it Hap'n Cap'n