Monday WAR Strength & Conditioning
A. Clean Grip Deadlift 3 Reps X 3. (Perfect Posture, but down. Warm up to a heavy three & then begin) Rest 2 MinutesB. Power Clean + Power Jerk 5 Reps X 2 (135,115,95); 5 Reps X 2 (145,125,115); 5 Reps X 2 (155,135,125). NOTE:Total of 30 reps. Rest 1 minute in between sets. Choose from the three different loads depending on strength and skill level, increasing the load by 10lbs Rest 1 minute +rest 5 minutes5 rounds for time of:5 Front Squat (185,155,135,95,75)10 Hang Clean Grip High Pulls (135,115,95,65)We are opening WAR Strength & Conditioning class times at 5, 6 & 7PM. Whatever time you choose to come - please be on time. If you are going to be more than 5 minutes late, come to the next class - this is important. To run an efficient strength & conditioning program we all have to be punctual, so please try and be on time.Dom and I have been working hard on the programing. A lot of you have gone from novice levels to intermediate levels, which has been cool to witness. Our goal now is to move you from intermediate to advanced. As I've said before, you can take this program as far as you want - it's up to you. Thanks Everyone - lets have a good week