Thursday WAR Strength & Conditioning


WAR Strength & Conditioning WorkoutA. Back Squat 5 reps X 3 (Heavier than Monday) Rest 2-3 MinutesB. Shoulder Press 5 reps X 5 (Find out where your at) Rest 2-3 MinutesC. 5 Snatch High pulls/5 hang power Snatch/5 OHS X 5 Rest 2 MinutesD. Overhead weighted Walking Lunges 20 steps x 5 (45,25) Rest 1 MinuteOur legs should be good and rested for the Back Squat.  Let's try to increase our load from monday.  On part B. remember we are just pressing - no dip.  Let's see what load we can do for 5 sets across.  A lot of you are getting better at the snatch and some still are limited by flexibility going into the OHS.  Don't get frustrated - it will come.  This game wouldn't be fun if it was easy.  Just remember on the High Pulls and Hang power snatch, at final extension the legs should be vertical (even up on toes), and the shoulders slightly behind the hips.