Friday Red Session Week 1
Quiet Strength
WAR/WAR Strength & Conditioning WorkoutA1. Pull Ups 45 seconds X 5Rest 75 secondsA2. AB Mat Sit Ups 45 seconds X 5Rest 75 secondsB. Wall Balls 15 Reps X 3Rest 1 minute+3 Rounds for time of:10 hang power Clean (115,95,65)15 Box Jumps (24,20)20 KBS (70,55)NOTE: Post Reps, Time, and Comments. Nice work last night everyone. I thought Jacie's presentation was incredible. It definitely got me stoked on changing the way I've been eating. Let's all do what she asked, and work hard on making changes to our diet (2 simple changes this week).Come ready to have a good discussion - we've gotta work on the mind every bit as much as our physical bodies. "Exercise'n the Mind, It's Brain Strength Training" - EminemClassroom DiscussionA. What did you think about the Dietician’s presentation? What role will tying the kitchen directly into the WAR workouts play?B. Diligence is a zealous and careful nature in one’s actions and work, exemplified by a decisive work ethic, budgeting of one's time, monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness and putting forth full concentration in one's work. You have to be diligent in living the WAR Lifestyle by working at it daily and changing your mentality - "I've got to get my WAR in or my day isn't complete".C. Weekend Assignment: This weekend I want you to go out of your way and perform some type of service project, some ideas could be to: Help someone clean up their yard, Help Someone Move, Donate your time, Charity, Etc. Help someone do something. The bigger the project – the better! Go out of your way to make a difference by providing service to someone.Make this Happen – remember, the goal of these weekend assignments are to get you to think outside the box, switch it up. Forget about yourself for a weekend and do something for somebody. These assignments are the heart and soul of the program.