Thursday Red Session Week 4


WAR WorkoutA. Back Squat 5 Reps X 3 Rest 2-3 MinutesB. Push Press 5 Reps X 3 Rest 2-3 MinutesC. Dead lift 5 Reps X 3 Rest 2-3 Minutes +Rest 5 minutes3 Sets of:20 Knees2Elbows20 Russian KBS (70,55,35) Rest 2 MinutesGYM NOTE: Let's get stronger today.  Good technique - forcing those knees out on the squat.  We don't want to go to low on the Back Squat.  If your butt winks, thats to low.  We want to eliminate that butt wink, and to do so, you have to force your knees out, which then creates an active hip.  We want a flat back on the deads, pulling with the hamstrings.  Remember - the push press isn't a push jerk.  Some of you are going into a push jerk, which means you are creating momentum up, and then getting under the weight.  The push press is a dip and then press.  Hips have to open up, followed by the press.  Some are starting to go into the press with a closed hip, which then kills the momentum.  Lets work on  these things.  Make it happen.WAR Classroom DiscussionA. WAR Journal Questions: Do you see the importance of giving it your all every day when you come to the WAR Gym?  Do you see the importance of mastering the WAR movements, and how by doing so will actually carry over into your daily life? Do you understand the important role intensity plays in the WAR program? WAR can be a sport- a sport that has limitless potential. How far do you want to go?  The learning is endless.B. Journal Title: Mastering the WAR movements & the Role it Will PlayC. Making Decisions Based on Your Values: Examine this topic further (personal mission statement). Values are those things that really matter to each of us ... the ideas and beliefs we hold as special.  Values help us to make ethical choices over our lifetime, and help us achieve our full potential. Use your personal mission statement as a guide to help you make good decisions – decisions based on your values.D. Journal: Are you working hard on your journal (getting thoughts down, gym notes, journal topics).  Emphasize the importance of this.