Friday Red Session Week 4
Trails in the Sky
WAR WorkoutA1. Pull Ups 10,15,20, or 25 Unbroken Reps X 5Rest 20 secondsA2. Ring Dips AMRepsAP X 5Rest 3 minutesB. 75 Calorie Row For TimeRest 3 minutesC. Tabata Sit UpsGYM NOTE/CLASSROOM NOTE: WAR Trainer Domenico Maiuri Presentation at 7 - make it happen. Challenge yourself on the Pull Ups. Some of you advanced guys challenge yourself to do chest2bar, even if you have to chose a lower rep scheme. Lets finish the week off strong (GYM & DISCUSSION).Classroom DiscussionA. WAR Trainer Domenico Maiuri Presentation: Dom will touch on a variety of things: technique, intensity, consistency, mastering the movements, WAR as a sport, etc. B. Weekend Assignment: Do a workout with someone or by yourself. Make the workout simple: body weight, running, trail running, pushups, sit ups, pull ups, Etc. Make it more of a Metcon (metabolic conditioning) workout. Now that you have been doing WAR for a while, go do a workout by yourself or with a friend. Do something fun, but that will push you mentally and physically - then write about the experience in your Journal.