Friday Black Session Week 6

Seek a Colorful Life

WAR WorkoutA. Front Squat 3 reps X 3    Rest 2 MinutesB. Tabata Sit Ups (4 Minutes-Low Score)    +Rest 3 minutes5 sets of:10 Heavy KBS10 Burpees AFastAP25 Double Unders (Scaled Box Jumps 20inch Box - fast)    Rest 3 Minutes    +C. Row 200 Meters X 5 (100%)    Rest 1 MinuteGYM NOTE:  We want 3 heavy work sets at about 90-95% on the Front Squat. On the middle portion you are timing each individual round.  We want to try and maintain the same time or better throughout all 5 rounds - go hard.  If you don't have Double Unders you will do 20inch box jumps -  fast.  Make it happen Cap'n. Stick to the times - even the times in between concepts. Get in the habit of watching the clock.  Go hard on the row.Classroom DiscussionWeekend Assignment: Go for a jog (you choose distance) either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night (or all 3) - just before dark.  There should be about 45 minutes of light left in the sky (probably around 7-45 or 8pm).  Go somewhere magical. This could be in your neighborhood, the nature park, the trails, etc. Choose a location that has substance & character to you personally.  Prior to the jog think of all of the things you are thankful for in your life; and during the jog seek out positive thoughts.  Push yourself, fight through the pain, and learn to enjoy the escape that running at this particular hour of night can provide you with. There is something about this particular hour that is magical; recognize it, and enjoy the natural high that can be achieved through this avenue of physical activity.  At the end of the jog I want you to meditate; get lost in talking to yourself; and become actively engaged in prayer and spirituality. Ask, in a sincere way, for help in overcoming your weaknesses and addictions - and then believe, with all of your heart, that you will receive this help.  Make this happen. 

Get ready for the Red Session.  Write in your Journal how you’ve changed over these past 6 weeks.  Create a testimonial.  Set a goal to be even more committed to the Red Session.  I'm thankful for you all.