Friday Red Session Week 1

Finally Focused

WAR WorkoutA.  Overhead Squat 3 reps X 4    Rest 2 MinutesB.  1 Snatch Grip Dead Lift/1 Snatch High Pull/1 Hang Power Snatch X 4    Rest 2 minutesC. 5 x (1-5 Pull Up ladders-Adv.CTB) for time    Rest 2 MinutesD. Ring Plank Holds AMSecondsAP rest 15 seconds Ring Plank Push Ups AMRepsAP X 4    Rest 1 MinuteGYM NOTE: Introducing the OHS tomorrow.  This is a very challenging movement - but in my opinion one of the greatest movements.  Most will be using the bar and PVC pipe tomorrow - don't get frustrated, this is a tough movement.  Part B is a progression where one will lead into the other; once again, we are working on technique and form so the loads for a lot of you will be light.  These olympic movements are tough and challenging, don't get frustrated.  Tomorrow will be an in depth training day where we work on this stuff.  The only way to get better is to challenge ourselves with new and advanced movements.  The pull up latter is just like it sounds - 5 rounds for time of 1-5 pull up ladders.  So you do 1, rest, 2 rest, 3 rest - till you get to 5- and then thats one round.  On part D you will hold the plank as long as possible, when you run out, you will rest 15 seconds and then go directly into as many ring push plank ups as possible.  Log loads & scores in your journal.  Be in depth in the journal.  The gym journal is a cool tool to have to reflect on this WAR Gym experience.  Make it happen. Classroom DiscussionWeekend Assignment: This weekend I want you to go out of your way and perform some type of service project, some ideas could be to: Help someone clean up their yard, Help Someone Move, Donate your time, Charity, Etc.  Help someone do something.  The bigger the project – the better!  Go out of your way to make a difference by providing service to someone.Make this Happen – remember, the goal of these weekend assignments are to get you to think outside the box, switch it up.  Forget about yourself for a weekend and do something for somebody.  These assignments are the heart and soul of the program.