Monday Red Session Week 4
WAR Workout5-7 sets of:3 Touch & Go Power Clean heavy10 burpees AFastAPSprint 100 Meters Rest/Walk 3-5 MinutesGYM NOTE: Start of Week 4, let’s have a good week this week. Take care of yourself nutritionally, make sure you are drinking enough water. You have to fuel yourself properly or you won’t make the progress you want. Let's get better and stronger at the Power Cleans. Advanced will do 7 sets, beginner will do 5. The goal is to increase load each time and rest long enough so you can achieve Max Power Per set. Come prepared to make it happen in both the Gym and the Classroom. ThanksP.S. Be on time. If you're not 5-10 minutes early you're late. If you're right on time - your late. Make it Happen.Classroom DiscussionA. Weekend Assignment Presentation/Discussion – "Being a Thankful Person"“Learn to be thankful for even the littlest of things – for it’s the little things that can bring you the most joy”
“When you start becoming a thankful person, you start to realize that you don’t need to be entertained and stimulated all the time. Things that you never thought about start becoming important and you realize that there is more to this life than you could ever imagine”
B. WAR Assignment: Create a personal mission statement. (See my personal mission statement as an example – it’s in your journal).C. Journal Title: Making Decisions Based on My Values & the Role it Will Play in My LifeD. WAR Recap: How’s everyone doing living this lifestyle? Are you making progress?