The Real High
The Real High
God knows that we as human beings are creatures of habit who want to feel good. He knows that the enticings of the Dragon are in fact enticing and even desirable.God works in mysterious ways. Gods ways are the complete opposite of the Dragons ways in that the Dragons ways are instant and cannot last. Gods way on the other hand requires diligent work, and is not instant by any means. Gods ways are slow to develop and require endurance through life's trials and tribulations. God tests us to see how bad we want to change, and then slowly and often unnoticeably His invisible hand guides us towards a new life; and even a new way of thinking. Gods way has the power to create lasting happiness through the simple things in life.As I think about some of Gods greatest gifts to us I couldn't help but think about physical activity and exercise. Because God knows that we will crave getting high, He has granted us a way to do it through being physically active. But what does being physically active require? It requires an act of doing and performing on our part. It requires us thinking outside the box, and then finding unique ways to get high through being active. Since Gods ways require work; and since being physically active is a gift from God; we can then only assume to receive the full benefits that being physically active has to offer by working it into our daily routine. We have to be creative in the way that we think about being active. Maybe your creativity leads you to sprints on a high school football field where you can feel the grass under your feet; or maybe your creativity leads you to skiing, snowshoeing, or hiking intensely. There are all kinds of ways that God has provided for us to get high naturally, and healthily; it's up to us to take advantage of these wonderful gifts.I get tired of people telling me that they are "just to busy to be active". When I hear this I think of the loser mentality. Everyone has time, it's just what you choose to do with that time that is of importance. If you're struggling with the fake pleasures of this world, which could range from: poor eating habits, drugs, alcohol, self induced depression, seasonal depression, laziness, self induced unhappiness; and on and on the list could go; point being is that you won't struggle near as badly if you would just become physically active throughout your daily routine. You wouldn't struggle near as bad if you just got out of bed early, performed some form of physical activity, and then rolled that physical activity directly into some sort of spiritual work. You see, after physical activity our mind is on track and working the way God intended it to work; therefore as mentioned before, this is His gift to us to feel enlightened, and even high. This is his way of providing us with instant gratification; but it's a form of instant gratification that requires work and consistency on our part.-HawkClick Here to go to the: WAR Gym Experience