Depression: It's Not Going To Get Me

Depression: It's Not Going To Get Me

Depression seems to be a common character in the play of life, especially for those who have become reliant on the substances of this world. These substances that I speak of take us so high, and even cause us to feel euphoric, that it becomes hard to be happy when we are clear.  These worldly substances are so temporary and immediate that they can transform a mood within an instant.  This immediate transformation and enlightenment to unnatural levels is what creates the addiction depression relationship. We feed addiction, get enlightened to fake euphoric levels, and then get dropped to all time low levels, which is where Depression makes himself know. Depression then fuels the craving for the worldly substance by putting hopeless thoughts into our minds.  These hopeless thoughts cause us to crave these worldly substances in hopes of eventually leading us back through the addiction cycle.So what do we who struggle with the Addiction Depression cycle do? How do we not let Depression lead us back to these worldly substances?To just state it plain and simple, we have to endure, and get moving.  What I mean by endure is that we just have to wait it out for a time.  We have to realize that the depressive thinking taking place in our mind isn’t real, and that we will feel better, we just have to get moving.  We need to exercise; we need to put one foot in front of the other and start being productive and active; we’ve got to find a way to work through the fake darkness that has now engulfed our mind.I’ve had so many experiences where I’ve been haunted by Depression; where I’ve felt him trying to lead me back to the ways of the Dragon.  The Dragon and Depression just want us to sit around, watch TV, and take the easy way out by partaking of these worldly substances.  As I’ve continued in my growth of discerning between these negative whispers, I have since become good at dealing with Depression.  The way that I have chosen to deal with Depression is through Spirituality and Exercise.  If spirituality and exercise came in the pill form it would be a widely abused pill; however it doesn’t come in the pill form, it’s not that simple. Exercise and spirituality require work on our part, but they are single handedly the best remedy for escaping the grips of Depression.The brain is a remarkable organ, and it will heal overtime.  We can’t expect our thinking to be the same as it was prior to the abuse of these substances.  We have, in a sense, damaged our brain, therefore we must repair our brain; and what better way to do this than through exercise and spirituality. Exercise puts the mind back on track; spirituality feeds our minds with positive insight concerning the big picture of life. Exercise gets our natural endorphins rolling and makes us feels good about ourselves. Spirituality gives us confidence that we are in fact guided by an invisible hand that wants nothing more than to help us in our pursuit to recover. Both spirituality and exercise are God’s greatest gifts.  He has freely given us these gifts - hoping that we will use them wisely against the Dragon, Addiction, and Depression. All we have to do is get moving through being physically active, and then tie that physical activity into spirituality some way. We have to be consistent in how often we use exercise and spirituality; it can’t be a casual effort. Remember, these two gifts require physical movement, and actively seeking. The physical movement would be the exercise, and the actively seeking would be the diligent study and relationship development between you and God.Yours is to choose how you make this happen, but it will never happen if you don’t get moving. Don’t be afraid to get down on your knees and ask for help through prayer.  Don’t be afraid to exercise in a way that you never thought you would. Don’t be afraid to push yourself further physically than you ever thought possible.  Don’t be afraid to read influential books; books that have the capacity to change you if you let them. Don’t be afraid to be unique in your approach to physical activity and spirituality, for it is in those unique experiences that you will find peace, and even escape the grips of Depression.-HawkClick Here for Part 1: DepressionCheck out today's WAR Gym Experience