Gym Experience


A. Push Press 5 reps; rest 2 minutes X 5B. 8 Unbroken Hang Power Clean + 8 Bent Over Barbell  Rows (same bar and weight as HPC)+ 20 Box Jumps (20 inch box); rest 2 minutes X 5C. 15 toes2Bar + 15 ring dips; rest 1 minute X 5GYM NOTE: On A, we are looking for 5 challenging sets; however they don't need to be sets across; look to increase the load.On B, challenge yourself on the load used. It's the same bar for HPC and Bent Over Rows - Challenge yourself. Part C, advanced try to accomplish unbroken. Scaled Knees2elbows 10 & 10, or even 8 & 8; we are looking for unbroken, solid range of motion repetitions. Thanks.