Gym Experience
Work for a Sunset
A. 3 Back Squat; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Make this 3 challenging work sets @ about 90% effort. If you know your 3RM then base it off of 90% of that. The tempo should be of such: 3 seconds down, explode up. +B. 5 sets of:10 Burpees + 15 Pull Ups + 20 Russian KBS + 25 Box Jumps; rest 3 minutesNOTE: Time each round, then resting 3 minutes X 5. Go hard each and every round where you try and match the previous sets time, or even get better. The Kettle bell weight is: 70,55, and the swing is just to eye level. Use a 20inch box on the box jumps. Scale this workout as necessary. Have a good experience. +C. Click to Read "Staying Home"