Gym Experience
Enjoy a Rainstorm
A. 3 Back Squat + 15-25 Push Ups; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: Back squats sets should be done 5 work sets across with a load that is based on 90% effort. If you are a beginner, your 90% will be light. If you are advanced to intermediate you should already understand where your 90% is -based on you 3RM. Advanced, do weighted push ups. +B. 3 Rounds for time:20 Knees2Elbows + Run 200 MetersNOTE: When completed with B, rest exactly 1 minute and then move on to C. +C. 30 pull ups + 30 Hand Stand Push Ups for time:NOTE: You can do the reps how ever you feel best, you just have to accomplish 30 of both - totaling 60 reps. The beginner should just practice getting comfortable upside down by walking themselves up the wall, then doing holds; or - be creative and do some sort of shoulder press. Scale as necessary. +D. Click & Study WAR Concept: "Personal Mission Statement" - Start thinking about creating a personal mission statement.