Gym Experience


A. Ring Plank Holds on 1 min. off 1 min. X 5NOTE: Every 15 seconds perform 5 ring push ups, then totaling 20 ring push ups. Scale push ups as necessary (2-3 reps per 15 seconds). Try be better than last week.      +B. 3 Back Squat; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: Back squats sets should be done 5 work sets across with a load that is based on 90% effort or 3RM. If you are a beginner, your 90% will be light. If you are advanced to intermediate you should already understand where your 90% is -based on your 3RM (which we did last Friday).      +C. Perform 10 reps down to 1 rep for time of:Push Jerk + KBSNOTE: Max load is 135 on the push jerk and 70/55/35 on the KBS. If you don't have the push jerk, do the push press- obviously with a lighter load. Log time completed.+D. Read "Relationship Between Being Diligent and Relapse"