Gym Experience
Go Experience Life
A. 3 Sets of:20 GHD Sit Ups + 15 Burpees; Rest 2 minutesNOTE: If you've never done GHD sit ups, make sure you understand the technique before trying to do all of these reps. If this is your first go around, scale the reps to 10-15. For those that have had experience with GHD sit ups, then go at this with an intensity; do your burpees fast. +B. Power Clean 5, 3, 3, 2, 1NOTE: Log loads accomplished - should look something like this. 225,235,245,255,265. These reps shouldn't be touch and go - you should drop each time, resting no more than 10 seconds in between reps. Look to really improve upon your technique. +C. In 12 Minutes:Row 2k + Max Pull Ups with remainder of time leftNOTE: So you row a 2k, and then with the remaining time up till 12 minutes you do as many kipp pull ups as possible. So if you finish the row in 8 minutes - you have four minutes to get as many pull ups as you can. Log how many pull ups you get. +D. Thinking Out Loud "The WAR Experience"This WAR program is all about creating unique experiences through being active. What I mean by this is creating experiences that are unique to your current character and routine. The only way you'll change through this WAR lifestyle is by thinking outside the box, and by doing things that you wouldn't normally do; this helps you to grow in a different direction. This helps you to get high a new way. The people who aren't participating in these remote experiences really aren't grasping the concept of the WAR lifestyle. I'm promoting a LIFESTYLE. I'll say it again "I'm promoting a LIFESTYLE. I'll say it again "I'm Promoting a LIFESTYLE" which we call the WAR lifestyle. These weekend experiences are to help you see life from a different angle; their goal is to get you to experience nature, fitness and spirituality all in one setting; essentially uniting mind, body and spirit. If I program a remote run, make time in your day and go do it. Be proactive in your thinking regarding this WAR Lifestyle. Look for the ultimate WAR experience.Outside the box thinking is what keeps people motivated. Outside the box thinking leads to creativity. Outside the box thinking is what leads people to change. Outside the box thinking helps people grow in a different direction. Don't be afraid to switch it up. Don't be afraid to be weird. Look for the WAR experience in everything. That's all I've got - thanks.