Gym Experience
A Change of Season
A. 3 sets of:10 Russian KBS + 10 Fast Burpees; Rest 1 minuteNOTE: Be intense throughout; basically just getting you good and warmed up for B. +B. Find your 3RM in the back squat - Low BarNOTE: Let's see where you are at. Your range of motion needs to be there in order to obtain a true 3RM. If you are a beginner, and your technique isn't there, then finding your 3RM doesn't hold true for you. You just need to find a 3RM based on your skill and technique level. Don't try and go heavy if you don't know what you are doing. Log your new PR. +C. Tester:Row 500 meters; rest 1 minute; Row 500 metersNOTE: This is a tester- 100% effort. Row 500, then rest 1 minute, Row 500 meters. Log 2 separate times. Thanks.