Gym Experience

Experience The Tetons

A. 2 Rounds of 2 Strict Pulls + 5 HSPU + 10 Heavy KBS = Sprint 100 Meters; rest 90 second X 3NOTE: You do two rounds of 2 strict pull ups + 5 HSPU+ 10 KBS; and then after your second rounds completed of that triplet, you then sprint 100 meters. Your rest is basically the walk back. Advanced do Muscle Ups instead of strict pull ups, or you could do weighted pull ups; however, your transition needs to be quick. Go hard on this, and sprint it out. You do three sets total.       +B. 5 Clean High Pulls; rest 90 seconds X 5NOTE: These need to be heavy. We are working on strength, so go heavy- form permitting. Work on getting that bar deep into pockets, then xploding. The speed comes during that second pull.      +C. For Time Complete:20Thrusters+ 50 Box Jumps+ 20 Thrusters + 50 Calorie Rows + 20 BurpeesNOTE: Thruster max load is 95lbs, scale down as necessary. Box height is 20 inch. Challenge yourself in your mind. Look to push through the pain, and go further than you thought you could ever go. When you take your physical self to a level you thought not possible you grow in your confidence; be not afraid to challenge yourself.