Gym Experience

Experience a Wave

A. 100 Kipp Pull Ups For Time:NOTE: Compare old notes and look to set a new PR      +B. 3 Back Squat; rest 2 Minutes X 3NOTE: BS load should be 90% of Mondays 1RM.      +C. Perform 21, 15, 9 Reps for time of:Thrusters + Calorie RowsNOTE: Be aggressive with your hips coming out of the hole of the thruster-going into the press. Think long and hard pulls on the row. Use 95/65lbs      +D. Refuel + go for a cool down walk and even break down, in your mind, of how you thought that you did in the workout?Direct your thinking towards being thankful for Gods gift of exercise, and being physically active; and how by doing workouts such as these actually provides you with an escape from the world, and even from your own poor thinking; because it is through these workouts that you have the opportunity to challenge yourself everyday. And the person who challenges themself everyday, then grows everyday.