Weekend Experience

Saturday Track Workout

What you'll Need: A Track & Field + Scriptures, and I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about good scriptural concepts going into your mind, and that is all. Don't be afraid to be unique, for there is power in the study of ancient records.  A. Warm Up Jog for 10 Minutes. Direct your thinking towards grattitude, and also think about the people of whom you love in your life; then say a prayer where you state how thankful you are for the people you love.      +B. On the Football field perform 5 sets of:50 Yard latter; rest 3 minutesNOTE: This is an all out hustle, where you sprint 10 yards, then back. Sprint 20 yards, then back, and so on and so forth until reach 50 yards then back. Go hard, as this should be challenging. During the rest, be active in walking, while getting lost in meditative thought, and even intense thoughts of gratitude.     +C. Cool Down Jog/Walk for 10 minutes. Say another prayer, and don't be repetitive.       +D. In some shade, at the track, read for 20 minutes. You should be able to find a spot that is away from people, where you can get lost in study. Try to understand what you are reading, even if that means you only get through one page.