Gym Experience
A. For Time Complete:30 HSPU + 10 Pull Ups + 20 HSPU + 20 Pull Ups + 10 HSPU + 30 Pull UpsNOTE: Scale HSPU's with strict shoulder press. Log how you do on this (range of motion, etc.) and also your time. Be diligent in your gym note taking. +B. 8 Back Squat (LowBar); rest 2 Minutes X 3NOTE: These need to be 3 work sets performed at 70-80% of your 3RM, or if you are not aware of your 3rm them base it off effort. Warm up to the load you are going to use, and then begin. Only rest 2 minutes in between sets. +C. 30 High Box Jumps for time:NOTE: These should be 30 hard/ high box jumps, that are high and challenging. Log how high you go. Stack plates on top of a box, but make sure it's stable and safe. +D. Run for 10 minutes - high intensity. NOTE: Log how far you make it. +E. At the end of the run, walk for 5 minutes while directing your thinking towards gratitude. Analyze how you feel after doing the workout, and then write a small paragraph in your gym journal about how the workout went, and even how currently feel. Doesn't have to be long, just log your current mood and thinking. Thanks. +F. Click to Read "Afraid to Compete"