Remote Experience

Experience Indoor Pool Swimming

Experience Note: we are going into the winter months, which means a lot of these experiences are going to take place at a pool, or even in doors. Find a place that you can go so you are able to get these experiences in. It's all about the experience; and to enjoy these experiences to the fullest, you may have to invest in a membership to a place that will allow you to make these experiences happen. What better way to spend a Wednesday night that at a pool. A. Find a pool near you and perform 10 sets of:Swim 50 Meters; rest 90 secondsNOTE: 50 meters is usually to the wall and back in a standard size lap pool. Make this happen, and be creative. Find a pool, and accomplish this experience. Swim in whatever way you know how.      +B. Read for at least 30 minutes. Read whatever you want to read, or what you are currently reading.       +C. Say a prayer before you go to bed.