Gym Experience
Through the Dark, to Experience the Light
A. 3 Sets of:22 Unbroken KBS; rest 1 minute NOTE: Let's see how your grip holds up on this one. KBS Load: 70,55,35. +B. 5 Push Press; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: These need to be 3 heavy work sets. Build to the first heavy load, and then begin. Log the loads that you use. +C. Perform 3 sets of:1 Minute AMRAP of Wall Balls (20/14-10ft mark)1 Minute AMRAP of Clean High Pulls (75,65)1 Minute AMRAP of Box Jumps (20 inch)1 Minute AMRAP of Push Press (75 lbs)1 Minute AMRAP of Calorie Row Rest 1 minuteNOTE: this is a continuously running clock for 5 minutes; so spend roughly 55 seconds at each station, giving yourself 5 seconds to make the transition. After the fifth minute, you rest 1 minute, then repeating the cycle 2 more times. Your score is the total reps accomplished. Do this in partners, where one partner coaches the entire workout for the other partner, counting reps and encouraging them through all three rounds. Log your results. Score to beat is 357. This workout is a famous Crossfit workout called "Fight Gone Bad" +D. WAR Concept: Move Past the ThoughtWe have to be able to move past the thought and not dwell on it. We can't beat ourselves up for wanting to get high when we don't even actually go through with getting high, but for whatever reason we still dwell on it because we feel that we would have gotten high if the opportunity had been presented perfectly. We win the battle if we don't go through with it even if we felt that we would have gone through with it had a few things happened differently. But things didn't happen differently, they happened the way that they needed to happen for you to remain clear.Do you believe that there is an Invisible Hand of help that is guiding and directing you even during you weakest times? Write about, and even discuss this concept.