Gym Experience

Heart of a Lion

A. 5 Sets of:10 HSPU + 20 Ring Push Ups; Rest 2 MinutesNOTE: Advanced, shoot for Unbroken. Novice, scale HSPU with shoulder press + Push ups.      +B. For Time Complete:20 KB snatch (10 each arm) + 50 Unbroken Box Jumps + 20 KB snatch (10 each arm)NOTE: KB Loads are: 70,55,35. Box jumps are to be done quick and crisp, opening up your hips fully each returning rep. Use a 20 inch box.      +C. Row 500 Meters @ 100%; Rest 3 minutes X 3NOTE: Log 3 different row times.      +D. WAR Concept Study:  Click to Read "Seeking the Spiritual Life: Act in Spirituality & Being Tired