Gym Experience
Seeing Clearly
CLEARFor time complete:30 Burpees + 30 Ring Dips + 30 HSPUNOTE: You have to go in order, finishing one 30 reps before moving onto the other. Scale Handstand Push Ups with strict shoulder press; scale ring dips with bench dips.STRONGA. 3 Snatch Grip Dead Lift; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Three challenging work sets using the snatch grip. Log loads used +B. 1 Snatch; rest 1 minute X 3 @ 70%; 1 Snatch; rest 1 minute X 3 @ 75%; 1 Snatch; rest 1 minute X 3 @ 80%NOTE: Slightly heavier than last week (look at logged notes). Make sure you are doing a squat snatch if possible, not a power snatch; however, if you are novice do a power snatch and then work on going into an OHS.. First 9 Reps on the minute. If you are successful with all reps, then keep going till you fail. Log loads, and how this goes.. +C. 3 Snatch High Pulls; Rest 2 Minutes X 3NOTE: Go heavy; heavier than your Snatch of course since we are working on the strength of the pull. Log loads used. +D. 3 Back Squat (Low Bar); Rest 2 Minutes X 5NOTE: Log loads; should be done as 5 challenging work setsBALANCE5 Sets of:Row 200 Meters @ 100% + 30 Double Unders + 20 Pull Ups; rest 2 minutesNOTE: Time each round, making up five different scores. Go Hard at it with an intensity each round. Advanced, shoot for Unbroken. Log how you do on this. +WAR CONCEPT: The Revolving DoorThe addict may quit his Opiate addiction, only to be followed by a Valium addiction. The addict may quit his Valium addiction, only to be followed by a food addiction. The addict may quit his Food addiction, only to be followed by Alcohol addiction. The addict may quit his Alcohol addiction, only to be followed by a smoking addiction. The addict may quit his smoking addiction, only to be followed by a NyQuil addiction. The addict may quit his NyQuil addiction, only to be followed by an Energy Drink addiction. The addict may quit his energy drink addiction, only to be followed by a Caffeine Pill addiction. The addict may quit his caffeine pill addiction, only to be followed by an Amphetamine addiction. The addict may quit his Amphetamine addiction, only to be followed by Opiate addiction.And the cycle sadly repeats itself...Write about, and even discuss this concept