Gym Experience
Above It
CLEARA. L- Holds ALongAP; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Do these on the rings; scaled, hanging from pull up bar. Log total time held over the three sets. Try and keep your legs straight. +B. Tabata Box Jumps - 5 minutesNOTE: Take the low score. Use 24/20. STRONGA. 2 Power Jerk + 2 Split Jerk; Rest 3 Minutes X 5NOTE: Log 5 different loads. Look to improve... +B. 2 Hang Squat Clean @ 70%; rest 1 minute X 5NOTE: Be quick under the bar, and look to accelerate up out of the hole quickly. +C. Find Your 1 RM in the OHSNOTE: Log this, as this is important for future programming.BALANCEAMRoundsAP in 12 Minutes of:15 Squat Clean Thrusters + 15 Burpee Push UpsNOTE: Squat Clean loads are: 95/65. A Burpee push up is where you really distinguish the push up in the Burpee. Instead of just flopping down on your chest, get in the plank push up position, then do a pushup, then hopping up into a Burpee. Basically just do a Burpee pushup, or just like it sounds.