Gym Experience
Seek Balance
CLEAR3 Sets of: 25 Unbroken KBS + 30 Unbroken Wall Balls; rest 1 minute NOTE: Use 70/55/35. Only a minute rest after completing the Wall Balls; stick to the rest.STRONGA. Quickly, build to a tough single in the Power Snatch + B. 2 Hang Squat Snatch; rest 2 minutes X 5 NOTE: Log 5 different loads. Look to be quick under the bar. + C. 1 Power Jerk + 1 Split Jerk; rest 2 minutes X 4 NOTE: Build to as heavy as possible.BALANCE100 Burpee Pull Ups For TimeNOTE: Need to jump to the bar (at least 6 inches); Log this. +WAR CONCEPT: Stress & BalanceHow do we not let the stresses of life get us down? How do we remain balanced in our spiritual, mental, and physical work? These past few weeks have been busy for me and it seems as if my balance has started teeter towards the ways of the world. My nutritional foundation has been lacking, but I have tightened that up these past weeks and I'm starting to feel pretty good. My gym experience has been been consistent, but I have, as of lately been skipping the Remote Experience, and on occasion even the Weekend Experience. I really can notice when I slack on these two experiences, and even more so than they gym experience because through the Remote and Weekend Experiences I work hard on my spiritual self, since that is their aim. I can let some areas of my balance slack more than others, but I absolutely cannot let my spirituality slack. I absolutely cannot be happy unless I am in tune spiritually. I realize that everyone is different, but my spirituality has to be worked on daily - or I can't be who I need to be.Where is your balance currently at in living the WAR lifestyle? Write something like I just wrote. Email me, or post on the blog: