Gym Experience

WAR Lifestyle Coach Alex Stracner presenting at the WAR workshop 

WAR PROGRAM NOTE: WAR Lifestyle coach Cole Boyer will be presenting @ 6PM "Nutrition and Addiction Relationship"CLEARA. 5 Sets of: 10 KB Snatch + 15 Toes2Bar; rest 1 minute NOTE: Go heavy on the KB snatch (5 each arm). Touch the ground each time and really focus on the jump+hips; don't start your pull too early just as in the barbell snatch. Try and get the toes2bar unbroken each round.STRONGA. 8-10 Close Grip Bench Press + 15-20 Supine Ring Pull Ups; rest 90 seconds X 4NOTE: Stick to the exact rest, and challenge yourself on the loading. Log loads used.      +B. Max Strict Pull Ups; rest 2 minutes X 4NOTE: Log total reps per round. BALANCE4 Rounds For Time of:10 Dead Lifts + 25 Box JumpsNOTE: Dead lift load use 185/115. Use a 20 inch box.       +WAR CONCEPT: Nutrition & Addiction RelationshipI have  been analyzing, as of lately, the relationship between nutrition and addiction. I think that the more a person learns to be disciplined with food, they also become disciplined with not only food cravings, but drug cravings as well. Food is a very tough substance to be disciplined with; therefore if we can control our cravings for impulsive food intake, we can, in a sense, be more disciplined when we have cravings for our particular drug of choice. The biggest thing I've been thinking about lately is what motivates you and I, to stay on track with the way that we eat, as well as staying clear and sober?  There is a relationship between the two (nutrition and addiction) that I can't help but notice.  The more disciplined I am nutritionally, the more disciplined I am in staying clear.  I don't want to diminish the enhancement of life performance the nutrition is providing me with; which then leads me to consider that I also don't want to diminish how good I feel as far as clarity, energy, and overall balance of the mind, body, and spirit.  I could go on and on, and actually tie a spiritual component into this as well, but we will go into that later this week. I really want you to analyze the relationship between being disciplined nutritionally, and being disciplined in managing you addictive behavior, and how the two are related.  Post notes or anything you wish to comments, or email me what you wrote.