Gym Experience
Good Place to Pray
WAR PROGRAM NOTE: WAR Lifestyle Coach "Bub Hatch" will be presenting in the classroom tonight at 6:15pm. "The Importance of Being Unplugged."The WAR Programming is going in a different direction starting this week-so be open minded, and be prepared to go further in your progression, not only in the gym, but in your mind as well. Lets all come together and work hard through these dark winter months.Classroom will start at 6:15pm sharp every night - thanks.CLEARA. For Time Complete:50 Ring Dips + 50 HSPUNOTE: Compare old notes; look to be better. Scaled: shoulder press and bench dipsSTRONGA. Find your 1RM in the Clean & JerkNOTE: Set a new PR. +B. 3 Back Squat (Low Bar); rest 3 minutes X 4NOTE: 4 work sets; heavier than last week; compare notes.BALANCEA. On the minute for 10 minutes perform:2 Clean & Jerk (80% of 1RM) on minutes: 1,3,5,7,9 + 10 Burpees on minutes: 2,4,6,8,10NOTE: So at the top of minute 1 you do 2 clean and jerk based on 80% if your 1RM. Then at the top of minute two you do 10 Burpees, and then you keep going until you hit 10 minutes. The clean needs to be a squat clean. Try an accomplish all sets within the minute. +WAR CONCEPT: The WAR Lifestyle CoachThere is no greater high in all the world then the high you achieve when you help somebody to truly change. Where you help them to change from the inside out, and even from darkness to lightness. That is what this entire WAR lifestyle is built upon; the ability to change yourself, and then progress to the point where you feel compelled to help others see the way that you are now seeing. Where now you are so passionate about helping people see the way that you now see because of the understanding you- yourself have come to obtain through the complete change of heart that the Invisible Hand has since led you to gain. Now you have become a teacher of a new way of going through life, in which you been given the gifts of persuasion and teaching, to where you now have the ability to really help people change.Magical is an experience such as this, where you truly and profoundly make a difference in someone's life. This is an experience that came not through a pill, nor did it come through a drink, but it came from the charitable soul of one who has experienced this mighty change themselves, and is now eager to shed some light on this new and improved lifestyle that they have since been living.Don't be afraid to talk to people in a real way; and be confident that if you are doing that of which is right, then the Invisible Hand will guide and teach you on how to speak and persuade in a fashion that will be so powerful that those you are teaching and fellowshipping will feel a peirce in their heart, then causing them to think more deeply concerning the big picture of life.Write about, and even discuss this concept