Gym Experience
Shadow Gaps
CLEARA. Complete 40,30,20,10 + 10, 20, 30 40 Reps For Time of:kBS (70,55,35) + Box Jumps (24,20)NOTE: You go 40 KBS and then 10 Box Jumps; 30 KBS and then 20 Box Jumps; 20 KBS and then 30 Box Jumps; 10 KBS and then 40 Box Jumps. STRONGA. 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: Log 5 different loads. Work on a quick turnover at the top, then pulling yourself under the bar. B. 3 Back Squat (Low Bar); rest 3 minutes X 4NOTE: 4 work sets; heavier than last week; compare notes.BALANCEA. 3 Sets of:3 Front Squat @ 90% + 25 Pull Ups; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: see 90% last weeks 3RM. Shoot for UB pull ups. WAR CONCEPT: Having A VisionIf we have a clear positive vision of who we want to become; and we carry that vision with us daily, then we will strive to act in a way that will be in line with that vision, which then, over time, as we walk diligently, fighting our way past adversity, then we will become that individual that we have been envisioning for so long, since we will have remained clear, focused, and disciplined in our efforts to overcoming our addictive behavior. Having a vision is so important, because having a vision breeds motivation for us to further advance towards achieving our full human potential.Write about, and even discuss this concept..