Gym Experience

 WAR Lifestyle Coaches Cole Boyer and Alex Strascner perform their last round of 9 of 15,12, 9 reps for time of: Push Jerk (155) + 30 Inch Box Jumps


A. 20 (slow with good form-not for time) Turkish Get UpsNOTE: Use 55/35lbsSTRONGA. 3 Clean Grip Dead Lift; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Compare old notes, look to be stronger. Keep that butt down, trying to maintain a consistent back angle throughout.B. 2 Power Clean & Jerks @ 80%; rest 1 minute X 5NOTE: Use 80% of your 1RM. Really working on being explosive through the hips on the power clean; and then concentrating on a good hip drive going into the jerk, then being quick under the bar. After your fifth set of 2 @ 80%, then keep building to a tough single (in the power clean & jerk-above parallel).BALANCEA. 5 Rounds For Time Of: 5 TnG Power Cleans (155/95) + 7 HSPU + 9 Toes2BarNOTE: Make sure you are standing up a the top of your PC each time. Log time completed. Scale as necessary. Listen to your body.WAR CONCEPT: Envision This"Now when we go to work, we leave at lunch time and head to the nearest track to perform a high intensity workout that involves the working on the mind, body, and spirit, where we have packed a lunch and experienced intensity physically, but also have worked on our spiritual self through prayer and meditative thought.  We even had some dumbbells in our car so that we could add to the experience. After the 45 minute experience, we change quickly back into our work clothes and are back at work within the hour-working, and even working at a higher level than before because we have now had the opportunity to get our endorphins rolling through exercise; and our spiritual self in-tune through the meditative thought and prayer; and our nutritional self heightened through healthy eating; hence, the harmonization of the mind, body, and spirit.""Now at work we feel charged, confident, and are ready for all that the rest of the day presents us with- because we now have a sound understanding concerning the relationship between life performance and physical performance, for we have come to the firm realization that the two are powerfully related. We now understand that we are different than most- since  we have had the courage to go out and create unique experiences for ourselves on a daily basis. Such experiences that have allowed for a powerful harmonization to unfold; a harmonization that has, over time, seemed to create a happy, and an even balanced individual, and one who now performs at a high level in all areas of their life."The goal of this concept is to get people to think creatively; and to show them that there is confidence to be had if they would just come to the full understanding concerning the relationship between their performance through physical fitness, and also their performance in daily life. And that if they are performing at a high level physically, then they will feel confident that they will have pushed their mind and body past the limit of most people; therefore, they will feel unique, and even different than most people because of the way of life physically that they are now living.Write about, and even discuss this concept...