Gym Experience

Replace IT

CLEARA. Ring L-Holds ALongAP; rest 2 minutes X 4      +B. 10, 15, or 20 Unbroken Ring Dips; rest 1 minute X 5.NOTE: Choose 10, 15, or 20 as a rep scheme depending on skill level. Try and stick to the scheme you choose, even if you are doing them banded. Stick to the rest. STRONGA. 3 Snatch; rest 90 seconds X 4NOTE: Not TnG. Work on catching it in the bottom. For those who are beginners, power snatch it with a light load, then work on going into the OHS. Work in the range of 70%-80% (1RM); start out at 70%, then working your way towards 80%.B. 3 Back Squat (Low Bar); rest 3 minutes X 4NOTE: 4 work sets; slightly heavier than Monday; compare notes.BALANCEA. 3 Rounds for time of:Row 1K + 15 Thrusters (75) + 15 Pull UpsNOTE: Log time completed. WAR CONCEPT: The Replacement Method ScenarioWhat am I going to do on this Friday night? How am I going to remain clear? I guess I have that new book to look forward to; the one that I bought earlier in the week about Jesus Christ. Maybe I'll read that book tonight and it will help me to relax. I'm even hopeful that it will assist me in seeing past my addiction on this particular night. Maybe I'll read and then write about what I've read, and then I'll go rent a Red Box, and then watch that Red Box while I casually read and study.I love studying about Christ. Every time I do study about Him, where I tie that study in with prayer and writing- I do seem to find peaceful happy thoughts. Hopefully I can keep studying about Him and his wonderful ways, because I have definitely found a great comfort through this unique, yet powerful study. Hopefully I can make this type of study into an addiction. I feel like I am close to making it into an actual addiction, because I do, in a unique but lasting way, get high when I study about Christ. Maybe the study of His words is the answer for me in replacing my poor addiction with something else that is real and lasting. Now instead of always wanting to take myself out of reality, I just take myself out of reality through the study of Christ. Now when I feel like I have nothing to look forward to on the weekend, I realize that I do have something to look forward to, which seems to be a spiritual experience that I cannot fully describe, however, as I move forward with faith, clarity, and poise- I am finding that I am more motivated now than ever before-to continue on in moving forward with this new life of clarity, since I now seem to have something to hold on to. I now seem to have something that can provide me with lasting relief from the storms of life. This new high through Christ that I have spoken of-seems to be a better high, and one that is motivating me to walk away from that old addiction of mine, and more towards becoming addicted to the study of Christ and his wonderful way of life, for this type of high has proven to be more real, and even better in the way that it lifts my mood.Write about, and even discuss this concept....