Gym Experience

Experience A Chairlift

CLEARA. For Time Complete 40-10, 30-20, 20-30, 10-40, reps of:Ring Push + Toes2BarNOTE: You go 40 ring push ups, 10 toes2Bar, 30-20, and so on and so forth. Log time completed. Scaled: push ups/knees2elbows.STRONGA. Find your 1RM in the Clean and JerkNOTE: Set a new PR. Film it. B. 3 Back Squat (Low Bar); rest 3 minutes X 4NOTE: 4 work sets; slightly heavier than Thursday; compare notes.BALANCEA. 4 Sets of:3 TnG Squat Clean Thrusters + 15 Thirty Inch Box Jumps + 3 TnG Squat Clean Thrusters; rest 2 minutesNOTE: Squat Clean Thruster Loads are: 165/95. Pick a load that will challenge you. Time each round. Stick to the rest at only 2 minutes. Scale box jumps as necessary.WAR CONCEPT: TalentsIt is true that many are born with great talents; some have been blessed with greater talents than others. Some were born into better situations than others. Some were born with addictive personalities, and some were not. Whatever situation we have been born into, or whatever great gifts we have been blessed with, it matters not if we don't utilize our talents in a way that is towards the improvement of not only ourselves, but all of mankind. If we just go on in being controlled by our addiction, then we will not have much to offer anyone. But if we go on in searching for a higher way of life; a life that is free from all manner of addiction, then we will blossom into a great person, and one who has much to offer, regardless of where our talents lay, or the situation we have be born in to, for our weaknesses will be made strengths; and we will have the new ability to recognize where our true talents lay, since we will have remained clear, then making us more capable for the receiving of inspiration from on high.Write about, and even discuss this concept