Gym Experience


PROGRAM NOTE: WAR @ 10am only. Nothing on Tuesday. Back at it in the Gym on Thursday. Make sure you do the Remote Experience on Wednesday. Have a safe New Years.  Make a good decision. CLEARA. Ring Plank Holds, on 1 minute, off 1 minute X 5STRONGNOTE: No strength. Starting a new program on Thursday.BALANCEFor Time Complete:Row 800 Meters      +3 Rounds of:25 Push Ups25 Jumping Back Squats - use a 45 lb bar25 KBS (55,35)      +Row 800 MetersNOTE: Go at 100% effort on this. Jumping back squats are with a 45 lb on your back where you'll squat down- then exploding up into a small jump. So you'll row 800 meters, then perform three rounds of the middle section, and then finish of with an 800 meter row. To hard. Time to beat is: 10:45