Gym Experience

 The Spiritual Side

CLEARA. 7 Minute AMRAP of:50 Double Unders + 10 BurpeesNOTE: Do this at about 80%. Shoot for UB Double UndersSTRONGA. 6 Hang Power Cleans; rest 1 minute X 3NOTE: Challenge yourself on the load that you use. You use the same load throughout, so build up to the load you want to attempt and then go with it. Stick to the exact 1 minute rest time. Compare Notes      +B. 100 Push Ups For TimeNOTE: Chest2Deck Push Ups; not ring push ups. Compare Notes. Rest as needed before starting BALANCEBALANCEPerform 15, 12, 9 reps for time of:Push Jerk (135/95) + Box Jumps (30/24)NOTE: Compare Notes, however, the prescribed weight is lower than last; from 155 down to 135, so you should be faster.