Gym Experience
Cassie Going Hard
CLEARFor Time Complete: 50 Ring Dips + 30 HSPUNOTE: Scale HSPU with holds, or doing the shoulder press.STRONGA. Back Squat (low bar) 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 minutesNOTE: Log loads. Get down there to that good depth. Focus on the hip drive coming out of the bottom. Look to increase your load each set.B. 1 Squat Snatch; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Perform 3 heavy work sets. Log three loads. Be quick under the bar. Be better than last time.BALANCEFor Time Complete:75 Power Snatch (75/55) + 50 BurpeesWAR CONCEPT: The Importance of SweatingThe human spirit yearns to sweat. Going from a childhood of running, playing, sweating, and being active- then to an adulthood of sitting around, being lazy, and not sweating, proves to be a huge issue since its through sweating and being physically active that the human spirit thrives and makes progress. When we stop sweating through being physically active, then so do we become more prone to the onslaught of the dark mind. The human spirit craves to be physically active; it wants to be pushed daily, where the physical body and the mind argue back and fourth, telling one another to quit. The body will cry for help, but then the mind will push forward. The mind will cry for help, but then the body will push forward. Back and fourth they will go, until one of them quits. Through such intense experiences confidence grows; and the more of these bouts that take place between the mind and the body while performing physically, then the stronger one gets in their mind and body; and then slowly-the darkness that has been cast over their mind for so long seems to peal off, then leading them back to a free mind.