Gym Experience
CLEAR3 Rounds of: 20 Sit Ups + 20 Wall BallsSTRONGA. Find your 5RM in the weighted pull up B. Max Reps Kipp Pull Ups; rest 30 seconds; Max Reps Kipp Pull Ups; rest 30 seconds; Max Reps Kipp Pull Ups.NOTE: Non butterfly on part B, but the kipp. Think about keeping it tight and efficient.BALANCE10 Rounds For Time Of: 10 Toes2Bar + 10 Box Jumps (24/20)NOTE: Make sure you open your hips up fully on the box jumpsWAR CONCEPT: Just Endure Through ItAt night, we are just going to have to learn to be content with reading, studying, and then retiring to bed early. We can't look to far ahead, but we must remain living in the moment, and when uncomfortable times strike, then we've just got to put our head down, and walk through them boldly. The job that we may be working may be low level, and even full of intense physical labor, but we must do it anyway, and even do it well. We've got to get up early, have a good breakfast, read something powerful, get lost in prayer, and then go to work in the dead of the winter working construction; all the while having the idea in our mind that all will be well as long we stay clear, and close to God. We can't let things stress us out or cause us to get to low in or thinking; but we also can't let things cause us to get to high in our thinking; but we must search for that quiet character, and even that character who is humble and temperate, never getting to high, nor to low, but is consistent and patient in the way that we approach life.Write about, and even discuss this concept..