Gym Experience
The Gym Experience
CLEARA. Row a 1500 Meters @ 85%NOTE: Work on good pulling technique. Hard aggressive pulls, slow back.STRONGA. 3 Weighted Pull Ups; rest 2 minutes X 3B. 4-6 Bent Over Rows; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Go heavy on both A & B; make sure you log your loads. Make sure you are Touch and going on the bent over rows, maintaining that good back angle while putting all the pressure in your hamstrings as this will help you to maintain that good confident back angle.BALANCEFor Time Complete:30 Front Squat (115/85) + 10 CTB Pull Ups + 20 FS + 20 CTB Pull Ups + 10 FS + 30 CTB Pull UpsNOTE: Log time completed. Advanced only obviously doing CTB