Peace Stolen Again
Peace Stolen Again
Once the peace has been stolen you are trapped in between two worlds. You are closer to my world and I love it. I can still see that you are trying to get back to your clear spiritual routine, but I can also see that you want to come my way cause it's easier. It's easier in the sense that you don't have to work when you follow my path. If you get back on the Invisible Hands path you will have to endure through His downtime, where you'll have to work relentlessly to get him back in your life. My way, on the other hand -is the easy way. You don't have to try very hard to come my way, however, it is true that my way doesn't last very long because that's not my style. I'll give you things easily, but since they are so easy to obtain, I cannot make them last, for making them last wouldn't lead you further down my path. My hope is to lead you towards non-contentment. I don't want you to be content with anything. I always want you to crave more, and even need more, because the more you crave and need, the further down my path you'll go.
My goal is to get you to quit. I want you to get tired of fighting the WAR. I want you to come my way, which is the easy way, where life tends to be a bit darker, but is also more pleasurable in many other ways. This Darkness has pleanty of of quick pleasures; pleasures that cannot last, but pleasures they are for a time. I will give you things quick down my path, but just know that quick they are, and lasting they are not.
You have in fact been winning the WAR as of lately, but it seems as if we've reconnected these past days. I can tell you've changed, but I still can see the old you; it's just buried a little deeper now. Just know that no matter what happens after this reuniting, whether you keep down my path or not, that I will always be around, just sometimes a little further away than others. I know you have found light, but if you want to teeter totter towards my way every now and again then by all means keep teetering. I'm happy with you teetering for a time, because eventually I know you'll favor my way; maybe not all the way, but you'll eventually be favoring me, where the teeter totter will touch down on my side more often than not.