Gym Experience
Learn To Relax
PROGRAM NOTE: This is the last week of this style of programming. We are going to go in another direction starting next week. Thanks. CLEARA. Ring Plank Holds; on 1 minute, off 1 minute X 3B. Max HSPU; rest 1 Minute; Max HSPUNOTE: Log total HSPU'sSTRONGA. Power Snatch; build to a max in 8 minB. Power Clean; build to a max in 8 minC. AMRepsAP Power Cleans in 3 min @85% of BNOTE: Compare notes to see if you improved. Try and be better on C from last time (in the loading and the reps). Look to set some PR'sBALANCE3 Rounds For Time Of: 25 Box Jumps (24/20) + 25 Wall Balls + 25 CTB Pull Ups“The squat is the foundation of any good program. A program that does not involve the squat is incomplete. Any coach that tells you, you shouldn’t squat as it is bad for your back and knees, but if it is done you should not squat below parallel needs to be punched. Email me and I will send someone out who specializes in punching people who need a punch. And when I say squat, I mean the one where you put a heavy bar on your back. If I were talking about the front squat or overhead squat, I would have said front squat or overhead squat.” —John Welbourn