Gym Experience

Blue Night

CLEARA. 3 Minute Double Under AMRAPB. Work on something you don't do good for 5-7 minutes. (Flexibility, mobility, ROM, etc) STRONGA. 5 Back Squat (Low Bar); rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Heavier than last week (sets across)B. 3 Tng Squat Clean; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Log loads accomplished. Think about being crisp and efficient, bouncing out of the bottom quickly. BALANCE5 Sets 0f:8 Thrusters (115/75) + 10 Fast Burpees + 20 KBS (70/55); rest 3 minutesNOTE: Time each set and try to be consistent from set to set. Go hard. +WAR CONCEPT: Click to Read "Sick Again"