Gym Experience
Video of Bub and I doing a weekend experience. It was a good experience. This a just a peak of how it went. These are the experiences that help me the most. Keep working at trying to get into them.
CLEARA. Complete 30, 25, 20 reps for time of: KBS (70,55,35)NOTE: You have to break it, setting the KB down after each scheme. Go hard, this is to be done at 100%. Log time completed.STRONGA. 10 Back Squat; rest 30 seconds; 10 Back Squat @ 65-70% of your 1RMNOTE: Low bar back squat is to be done. Log loads used. Novice, pick a load based on your skill and comfort level with having a bar on your back. If technique isn't there quite yet, then just work on technique during this time. Rest exactly 1 minute after completing A, and then move onto B.B. 30 Box Jumps for time (30/24/20)NOTE: Standing upright at the top, and under control.BALANCEAMRepsAP in 4 minutes of: 15 Thusters (95/65) + 15 Pull UpsNOTE: advanced, challenge yourself, trying to get a good score. Novice, scale reps to 10 and 10 if you feel it to be necessary.