Playing Not to Lose

Playing Not To Lose

If we aren't moving forward, then we are most definitely moving backwards. If we are content with staying the same, then we are, in all actuality moving backwards as well. So many people who struggle with addiction get lazy in their recovery; or they think that because they have some time under their belt then the game is over and they can just maintain now. It's the play not to lose mentality, similar to the team who has been winning the game for all three quarters, but in the fourth they start playing not to lose, where they quit trying to progress and perform better, so they end up losing the game because they had got it in their mind that they have already won since they have been winning by a great amount throughout the entire game anyway, in which they become complacent, and end up losing the game.This concept holds true for the everyday individual who is trying to overcome their addictive behavior, in that if they are not constantly striving to improve in their game of life by the working on their physical, mental, and spiritual self, then they, in all reality, are moving towards defeat, in which it's only a matter of time before the other team catches up with them, and ultimately beats them; the other team being the Dragon and his colleagues.I see this all the time with people-where they get lazy and complacent, and even act as if somebody owes them something for the progress they have since made, in which they almost become prideful and over confident; however, what they don't know, and even realize, is that their addiction has not gone away, but has progressed into another direction; and that direction, often times becomes laziness, negativity, and even food. Addiction is a revolving door, where one addiction goes away, only to be replaced by another addiction. With that being said, who is to say that we cannot feel that revolving door with positive addictions? Do you think one can get addicted to the study of the way of life that spirituality promotes? If we can get addicted to the bad, why couldn't we get addicted to the good? Why couldn't we get addicted to eating healthy, and also to the reading of uplifting literature; and even literature that has the capacity to change our way of thinking, where we then go to work in changing the way that we carry ourselves and also the way that we act. Addiction creates so many character flaws, so we must go to work daily in our effort to overcome those character flaws so that the light of life can travel back into our soul. Diligence is what it takes to get addicted to the good. Just as our brain learned the bad, our brain can also learn the good; however, it seems to be a lot harder to learn and get addicted to the good then it is the bad, since the bad easily obtained, for they are quick fixes that don't require a great amount of work. Getting addicted to the good does take a great amount of work, and even a diligent effort, which is an effort that is full of failures, heartache, sweat, tears, and determination. Through getting addicted to the good one can experience life on a truly heightened level, in which they will be free to see life from a unique lens; a lens that is so focused, that it enhances the picture of life to which they have never seen; where before they only saw life through a dirty lens; where now, they see life through a high definition lens, which beauty transcends all things.We have to play to win if we want to be winners in the game of life. Addiction is relentless, and since we have let too much of the world to enter into our soul we are forced to work on ourselves so that we can become who we need to become; which is a free people, who aren't afraid to face everyday life with boldness and confidence. We must read and study; we must pray always; and mustn't let stress, fear, and anxiety lead us back to the escape, for we know that if we escape, then we have lost that edge, and we start playing to lose instead of playing to win. One time turns into two, and then before long we have lost the game, then becoming defeated by the visiting team. Opposition is a part of life, which is why we must compete to do what's right. Those who aren't willing to compete, are those who will lose quite often. Those who compete, are okay with being uncomfortable at times, for they know that the uncomfortable way of life will pass, as long they hold strong to the path that they know to be right. No one said that getting back on track was going to be an easy thing, for it won't be; and it can't be, since that is not the way to experiencing joy. The way to experience joy is fighting through our failures, and learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable; and then relying on something more than ourselves to help us to get back being comfortable. Only this comfort isn't coming from a fake and temporary substance, but is coming from a higher being who's Invisible Hand softens the pain, making that uncomfortable time become bearable for the time being, until eventually He heals us from our pain.