Gym Experience
The Importance of Family
CLEARA. 3 Sets of:10 Fast Burpees + Run 200 Meters; rest 1 minuteNOTE: Run to be done at about 80%; however, the last one should be done at 95%. STRONGA. 5 Sets of: 3-Position SnatchNOTE: You snatch from the floor; then from the mid hang (just below the knee); then from high hang (from hips). Log loadsBALANCE"Nate"AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:2 Muscle Ups + 4 HSPU + 8 KBS (70/55/35)NOTE: Scale MU's with bar MU's or Burpee Pullups or CTB Pull Ups + Ring Dips. Scale HSPU with 4 hand release push ups. Advanced: KBS needs to clear your ears. Go hard, lets see where you're at, and make sure you log this so we can compare when we do it down the road… +WAR CONCEPT: The Moments It's the moments of when your three year old son helps you to mow the lawn with his little toy lawn mower; It's the moments of when that same son tells you that he loves you after he had been telling you that he hated you for making him go to bed; it's when your wife gives you that hug of appreciation for being a good father and husband; it's the realization of how much your little girl reminds you of your wife, and how thankful you are to be the man in their life who has the opportunity to provide for them, and to protect them; it's the struggles with money, followed by the appreciation for the simple things in life that don't involve money; it's the stress, followed by appreciation; it's the hard times, followed by the good times, where you then appreciate the good times more fully because of the fact that you endured through the hard times without running to the escape.. It's the belief system in God, even having faith that He is protecting you and your family. It's the slow summer Sunday afternoon spent with the family out working and playing in the yard, where you stop often to appreciate the beautiful day, and even thanking God for such a day-and the way of life that He has led you and your family to living. It's the sunburn on your sons face that he got from running in the sprinklers; it's the family prayer at night before bed; it's the personal prayer in the morning, where you ask God to watch over and protect the ones you love; it's the getting up in the middle of the night with your little girl when she's bad a bad dream. It's the working together with your wife in growing your little family. It's the teaching your kids the importance of staying away from the bad things of this world, and how it is that they can come to know God, and even how to use God in their life so that they can experience, for themselves, the full abundant life, never having to experience the dark way of life as you once have. It's the moments while spent with your family of when true joy is whispered into your mind; which such joy then advances overwhelming thoughts of gratitude that lead to a growth of your soul; and then this growth of your soul leads to a motivation to do right like you've never experienced before because you will have finally experienced what true happiness feels like; which seems to be a happiness that can only be experienced within the family. It is through the family that we can experience the greatest of all highs...Assignment: I want you to write something similar to what I have wrote. Look for Gods hand in your life, and then get it on paper, post it on the blog, or email it to me. Make this happen.