Gym Experience
The Evolution of the WAR Student
Student>>Mentor>>Life-Coach>>Master Life Coach
CLEARA. 10, 12, or 15 UNBROKEN CTB Pull Ups; rest 1 minute X 5B. 5, 7, or 10 UNBROKEN Handstand Push Ups; rest 1 minute X 5NOTE: Log what rep scheme you used and how you did. STRONGA. Push Jerk 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1. rest as needed in between sets...NOTE: Start at about 60% and work yourself up to your last single at around 90%. Let's get better this week; try and finish slightly heavier than you did last week.B. 3-4 Push Press; rest as needed X 4NOTE: Make these as heavy as possible. One rep shorter than last week, however, one set more. GO HEAVIER than last week. BALANCE Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:5 Ring Dips (advanced, do from MU Station) + 5 BurpeesNOTE: Log rounds completed. Advanced do a muscle up each time, then doing the ring dips at the top.