Gym Experience
We Low Bar in WAR
If you want to improve your strength, overall wellness and coordination then you must learn the Art of the Low Bar Back Squat. A lot of people (in WAR) are finally starting to do this lift properly, where they are getting down to that depth below parallel and then driving out of the bottom first using their hips (also known as the hip drive). The Low Bar is not the low bar without the very important forward lean and hip drive when coming out of the bottom. If you just have the bar placed on the low part of your back, but then fail to get below parallel-where you sit up right, then driving up with only using your quads, then you are basically doing the high bar back squat-only with having the bar placed on the lower portion of your back (below the spine of the scapula).
The forward lean and Hip Drive out of the bottom of the Low Bar Back Squat is what activates that big posterior chain of ours (Hamstrings, Ass, Lower Back), then causing an extreme hormonal response to occur. Such a hormonal response then spurs on muscle growth and also a feeling of strength and accomplishment from doing such a lift properly, and with full range of motion.
The low bar, and when done properly, is the single lift that can lead the participator to improving in all of their other lifts without them even having to work on those other lifts. Now their bench press is getting stronger, and they rarely bench. Now they can do more pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and hanging abs. Now they can Clean & dead lift more, as I'm sure you now get the point.
The reason for this improvement in all areas, I believe, is due to the coordination that the Low Bar can lead the novice to quickly having; and it's all due to the lifts ability to quickly strengthen the posterior chain (Adaptation + Muscle Growth). In the last sentence I used the word quickly because thats exactly what the lift does; it creates fast progress in all areas of strength and conditioning when the lift is performed properly-and in linear progression.
CLEAR3 Rounds (not for time)15 OHS (Bar) + Run 200 MetersNOTE: Really work on flexibility and depth on the OHS. (active shoulder, bouncing out of the bottom)STRONGA. Five Sets of:Halting Snatch Dead Lift + Hang Power Snatch + Squat Snatch; rest as neededNOTE: Drop the bar after the hang power snatch, then resetting before going into the squat snatch...B. Front Squat: