Gym Experience
Bub teaching WAR nutrition to some new students
"LIFE COACH" CLEAR For Time Complete: 30 Supine Ring Pull Ups + 30 Air Squats + 30 Sit UpsNOTE: On the air squats - have a wall ball under you, touching it each time as you squat down. STRONGA. Eight Sets of:Squat Clean 1.1.1 @ 85% (1RM); rest 2 minutesNOTE: rest 10 seconds in between singles, and then rest 2 minutes. Log how the load felt, and what load you used. B. Low Bar Wave 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1NOTE: Go heavy on these, making your second wave (5,3,1) heavier than your first. BALANCE10-1 for time of: CTB Pull Ups + BurpeesNOTE: Log rounds completed.. "STUDENT"CLEARFor Time Complete: 30 Pull Ups + 30 Air Squats + 30 Sit UpsNOTE: On the air squats - have a wall ball under you, touching it each time as you squat down. STRONGA. In 10 minutes build to a tough single in the Power CleanNOTE: Log load, and how your technique is coming along. If you don't have technique, then remain light and B. 5 Low Bar Back Squat; rest 2 minutes X 4NOTE: Needs to be heavier than monday. Needs to be 4 work sets, so warm-up to the proper load and then begin. You have to get the technique down on this lift or you'll never progress in it. BALANCEAMRAP in 7 minutes of:7 KBS (55/35) + 7 Burpee Box Jumps (20) NOTE: Challenge yourself on this. Log how many rounds you complete. KB needs