Gym Experience
My Little Man Turned 4. I'm so thankful for him. It's incredible being a father. The greatest of all highs come within the family.
WAR CONCEPT: Click to Read "Daily Balance"
3 sets of:10 Fast Burpees + Run 200 Meters; rest 90 secondsSTRONGA. Find your 1 RM in the Split Jerk/Push JerkNOTE: Let's see where you're at (form permitting). Student will build to a tough single in the Push Jerk. B. For 16 minutes, rotate through the following two stations on the minuteMinute 1: 5-7 Strict CTB Pull Ups (scaled kipp pull ups)Minute 2: 7-10 Strict Ring Dips (slight pause at the top)NOTE: Go back and fourth on the minute, hitting each station 8 times. Student will do Supine Ring Pull Ups + Hand Release Push Ups. BALANCEFive Rounds For Time Of:10 Burpee Bar Hops + 15 Push Press (115/83)NOTE: Log time completed...